Monday, 17 December 2012

22 buttons and counting...

As I have mentioned Ben likes to chew especially at bedtime. So his pyjama tops have come under fire many a time. We have found currently 22 buttons in his bed that he has chewed off. This is obviously a choking hazard since he will also go to sleep with them in his mouth. Have you ever tried not to wake a child while you try and get an object out of their mouth. It is DIFFICULT!!
So we currently have 9 sad looking pyjama tops...

These tops were unwearable :( until my recent brain wave....
Why not just sew them shut? Bugger re-sewing the buttons back on that's not going to solve the problem just enable it to keep happening. I could go out and buy all new pyjamas for him (more money) or use his tshirts (less available for daytime wear) So to the sewing room - have I mentioned my small yet infinitely growing craft addiction?? 

And a simple straight stitch with backtacking at each end and you have some fancy, smancy, now very safe pyjamas! Here is Ben modelling his new buttonless pjs! 
As you can see, not a fan of the camera

 It seems like such a simple idea and I'm kicking myself I didn't think of it sooner. But I do feel proud that I am starting to go outside the box more and I have the sewing skills to actually accomplish it. It's nice feeling accomplished :) Good night!

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